Course Description

Most romantic relationships begin with that “butterflies in the stomach I can’t live without you” feeling. This is a chemical reaction you feel in your body which pulls you toward the other person. This is infatuation, not love, but can move into love. In this course, you will learn the chemistry within you which contributes to these strong feelings and how that chemistry can lead you astray. You’ll also discover the type of person you truly want and how to identify them. The 24 lessons in three modules will guide you through the infatuation stage of a relationship. to understanding why you were drawn to that person. You will then engage in the process to identify the type of person who is ideally suited to you. Every relationship has ups and downs. The pain of disappointment feels very personal, yet it is part of every relationship. You will learn to navigate these difficulties and discover whether the problems are simply bumps in the road or signs of impending disaster. You’ll finish this course with a checklist of what qualities are most important for you in a life partner. You’ll also have information on basic skills in communication, managing feelings, and identifying potential challenges in a relationship.

Course Curriculum


The objective of the course is to assist couples and individuals in becoming a better person and communicator. 


The benefits of this course is to learn through the eyes of others as well as seeing the situation from a different perspective in hopes of a different reaction from you or your partner.

Meet Your Instructor


Myra McKnight

A CEO and President of BetterOne BetterTwo Relationship Academy & Empowerment Center, a wife, mother, daughter, sister, care giver, friend, author, writer, blogger, Relationship Coach, Infidelity Recover Coach, Motivational Speaker, Business woman, Radio Talk Show Host and The Woman's Coach, I am not done yet!The amazing part of this journey is that it helps us to realize our resilience and strength as women but, at the same time a small voice inside admonishes women in truth about the time and space that is present now. The now presence unctions us to slow down and recognize today and the accumulation of yesterday. And in that space that reflection should equal more battles won than lost, more lessons learned than forgotten, more wisdom gain than ignorance and feeling more love for yourself ever before. Yes, it is given truth to the power of who you are, not who you are to become. And why is that you say? It is because you and I are equip with everything inside of us to be the best of us. Now, more than ever before. The energy for is ripe for newness, growth, opportunities. You can not give in to traditions of the past that have not serve you any good will or purpose. This the time for you to leap like a beautiful ballerina into unknown and land solid on your feet like a gold medal gymnast and keep walking with joy, happiness and reserve that you have given your best to other and now you give yourself permission to live on your terms un-apologetically with no regrets.